1. Online shopping is becoming more and more popular nowadays.(现在越来越多的人选择网购。)
2. I took an online course to improve my English skills.(我参加了一门线上英语课程来提高我的英语水平。)
3. The company\’s online sales have increased by 20% this year.(公司的线上销售额今年增长了20%。)
1. Let\’s have an offline meeting to discuss this issue in person.(让我们面对面地开个会来讨论这个问题吧。)
2. I prefer to do my shopping offline so that I can see and touch the products.(我更喜欢去实体店购物,这样我能看到并摸到商品。)
3. The company will hold a series of offline events in different cities.(公司将在不同城市举办一系列线下活动。)
1. Virtual: 表示虚拟的、不存在于现实中的事物。
– We had a virtual meeting via video conference.(我们通过视频会议进行了虚拟会议。)
– He created a virtual reality game that has gained a lot of popularity.(他开发了一款虚拟现实游戏,广受欢迎。)
2. Physical: 表示实体的、存在于现实中的事物。
– The company has a physical store in downtown.(公司在市中心有一家实体店。)
– It\’s important to have a good balance between physical and mental health.(保持身心健康的平衡很重要。)